If you want to do this manually you will have to use SLATE and restore the missing markers, there are some sections related to the graphics of the menu's you will want to restore with the N64 WAD's versions, you will also want to take out the DM section and replace the DS section with the N64 one. Keep in mind that my patched WAD breaks compatibility with the new port so do not replace the files in your steam directory in order to get the uncensored cross, you still have to follow the guide for that one. I have also performed the uncensored guide.

In order to get my patched wad you will have to run my auto patcher on your copy of the game, and it will do the modifications for you. That means that version 2.0 is no longer identical to the N64 version and instead is based upon the wad we get from the steam version making it legal to use if you own the steam version.
#Doom 2 64 bit download Patch
Instead of the previous version converting it to the N64 wad I have now used SLATE to manually patch the Steam WAD file to be compatible with Doom 64 EX. And have now got a result i think will please a lot of you. As some of you know i have been working on a patcher that restores Doom 64 EX compatibility with this game.